Charlotte Childs

Head of production



Our Head of Production has been a London girl for most of her life, although she was brought up in Sussex, so the South Coast, the rolling South Downs and the Big Smoke all have a place in her heart.

Charlotte studied Design Management at University, concentrating on Graphic and Fashion design, where she was taught much of the analog craft as tech was still just revving up.

She has had a very exciting career and has been fortunate to have experienced many different angles of the media spectrum including, client, agency, startup and most importantly of all tea-tasting!

Charlotte has known Thomas for a long time. He first asked her to join Koffeecup over six years ago but the timing wasn’t right, thankfully, the next time, it was!

Charlotte feels the variety of the work we do reflects the nature of the sector/field we operate in - there is always change, always something new and very few of our projects are alike. She says it can at times seem like you’re solving a riddle but she really enjoys it.

In her spare time, Charlotte loves to walk - for hours and miles, by herself or with others.  She says it’s her meditation and it helps her think

Koffee: Flat white, espresso or a martini - depends on mood/when/where