Henry Yates




Meet Henry, our QA Tester, Fahed's number 2, and self-proclaimed Lord of VR at Koffeecup! Oftentimes he likes talking to all the developers, helping them work out their bugs, as well as finding them – he is the bug exterminator!

A master of productivity, Henry segments his work into smaller tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. He's particularly proud of his contribution to a game, where he worked with friends to create something funny and special – Go hit some mallers with your purse in his game “Miffed”!

Often losing sleep watching South American goblin sightings on YouTube until the early hours, Henry’s definitely a night owl. If he could have any superpower, it would be teleportation, allowing him to travel to other countries at will. His usual teleporting sequence would probably look like this: A local store in Germany for a nice cold lager, Japan for some steamy spicy pork ramen to-go, and then enjoy those somewhere in South America and hope for some IRL goblin sightings. Not sure if he just wants to see one, or is secretly planning to domesticate one as his pet, since he doesn’t have any currently. Henry used to live with a parrot for five years, so he really grew fond of our feathered little friends. He's even been known to whisper "Goals..." under his breath when the bird lady comes on screen in Home Alone 2. 

A big fan of David Lynch and Twin Peaks, Henry enjoys diving into the surreal and mysterious worlds created by the iconic filmmaker. He mainly finds inspiration in the creativity and experimental nature of games, especially retro ones from the PS1, PS2, and Gamecube era, but also current indie games.

Gaming has been a big part of Henry’s childhood. He’s been playing ever since he realised his controller was unplugged, at the age of 3 – Nothing writes a better gamer arc than getting to prove yourself to your big brother with a plugged in controller. Final Fantasy 8, holds a special place in his heart, being one of his debut game experiences and giving him the skill of reading as a 20 year old at the age of 4. Nowadays, Henry might play some Tekken and Street Fighter with you, if you spot him at an arcade bar.

“If you ask, the worst thing you’ll be told is no.”

Koffee: Gingerbread Latte when they're around… but usually just Pepsi.