Kasia Siwiec

interactive developer


Kasia is part of our talented Interactive team and lives in Katowice, Poland.

She graduated from the Silesian University of Technology where she studied Biomedical Engineering, and unexpectedly jumped straight into game-dev afterwards.

Completely out of the blue, a friend of Kasia’s sent her a link to the job that we had advertised for a developer and as they say, the rest is history.

Kasia enjoys the variety of ambitious projects here at Koffeecup and being able to use her creative flare to make things look beautiful.  She finds the work exciting and feels that there are plenty of opportunities to learn something new.  She especially loves being part of a team full of fantastic and talented people.

In her spare time, Kasia enjoys playing the guitar, drawing, sketching, painting - basically anything arty, and when the weather is good, she likes nothing more than exploring her surroundings.

Koffee: Cappuccino