A proper Gunslingers Duel in MR!
Who Will Draw Fast Enough to Win the Wild West Showdown?
Draw fast. Aim with precision. Dodge bullets like Neo.
Up to four players can face off in epic duels–just like in the wild wild west! In this MR experience you can test your reflexes and precision against your friends—or practice on a training dummy!
Gunslingers was born from the success of the Wild West Saloon Duel mini-game. Our challenge was to expand that feature into a fully immersive, standalone MR experience that would keep players coming back for more.
We built on the excitement of the original Duel mini-game by creating a unique multiplayer experience for up to four players.
Those who enter the dueling arena shrink to fit the environment, while spectators are left towering outside, observing the action. This creates a fun, dynamic interaction between players and spectators, enhancing the gameplay with plenty of hilarious moments.
Our goal was to bring the high-stakes drama of the wild west into the immersive world of MR with smooth, intuitive gameplay and a touch of humor.
Client META
Lead Producer Terry Summerbell
Business / Account Lead Haamid Bokhari
Creative Director Desmond Hewagama
UX Lead Fiona Brownlie
Freelance UI Designer Elise Wade
Motion Graphics James Wadkins
Head of Horizon. Wojciech Ciemniecki
Senior Interactive Developer Ivan Konstantinov
Senior Interactive Developer Miko Musialik
Interactive Developer Katarzyna Sowa
Head of 3D Ormond Taylor
Lead 3D Artist Matt Kite
3D Artist Paulina Zdunek
Sound Engineer Axel Achard
Technologist Robert Ford
QA Lead Fahed Chehabeddine
QA Testing Henry Yates
QA Testing TJ
QA Testing Aleksandra Hrabia
QA Testing Aleksandra Lange