Nicolas Gomez

Senior Game designer



Meet Nico, our passionate Senior Game Designer at Koffeecup! With a knack for solving problems and crafting innovative gameplay mechanics, Nicolas thrives on the joy he brings to players—seeing them smile is what fuels his creativity and keeps him getting out of bed every day.

Inspired by the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto, the genius behind Mario and Zelda, Nicolas has spent more time immersed in Miyamoto's games – to a point that he might as well have been raised by Miyamoto himself! Often dubbed the "dark lord of the pack," he’s a night owl always dressed in black, plotting to obtain the superspeed superpower so he can stop time around him – but also get a bigger flat so he can finally get a cat.

A nugget of wisdom he lives by is from a dual interview with Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma, Interviewer: “What’s your secret to a happy life?”, Miyamoto: “Enjoy everything.”, Aonuma instantly replies: “Forget everything.”

Ready Player One holds a special place in Nicolas' heart, blending his love for gaming, '80s music, and iconic pop culture references – like the Delorean and a mecha Godzilla. As for his all-time favourite game? It's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, a true masterpiece in his eyes, but he’s a big fanboi of Sonic as well.

Gaming has been Nicolas' escape, challenge, and life partner since childhood. He can't imagine his life without video games and Nintendo guiding him through art, music, and play.

Koffee: Take a cup of any coffee, not drink it, throw it away, get a hot dog and sip on an Orangina instead.